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· One min read

Destiny notes

  • Website to organize Destiny's arguments in a nice format with logic structure
  • link to segments/proofs

overarching points

  • All the points are supposed to be examples of the application of a system
  • This system is used to generate good outcomes in your live
  • So don't try to copy the outcome of the points, as they are based on Destiny's subjective values and environment
  • Instead try to understand the system and apply it to your own life

  • Act as a sounding board when talking with emotional friend
  • if you have the choice between burning someone to the ground or leaving it neutral, leave it neutral
  • be really careful when comparing people, especially when both are friends
    • e.g. Comparing body parts

AI vs human

  • Website with question
  • need to select real answer, from real and AI generated answer
  • AI generated answer is instructed to sound like human (gpt3 api)