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Electric vehicles

· One min read

Ideally we would all be using public transport, bicyles and our legs. But humans want for various reasons personal vehicles. Currently we mainly use internal combustion engines (ICE) cars. Due to their emission of co2 and resulting human made climate change we need other solutions in the long term. Electric vehicles are the prime candidate for that position.

There are other possibilities like hydrogen fuel cell or biofuel engines. But these "solutions" might only be feasible in the future. But we need a solution right now and with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) we have everthing we need. The only thing BEVs lack behind other options is the range and the charging speed. But is not a concern for most people in everyday life because the can charge at home over night and almost never need to drive the maximum range in their daily life.

The other concern many people have is that BEVs are actually not more "green" than ICEs due to the high energy use when producing the battery and that buying a tesla is not environmentally friendly. There is a more difficult and an easy argument against this.